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art history mod

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Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, Eiffel Tower,Paris,France,1889 D: A wrought iron lattice tower A: Has a unique appearance and debatable function I: Eiffel jolted the world with the exposed iron skeleton of his tower. J: New materials and technologies and the modernist aesthetic fueled radically new architectural designs in the late 19th century. Claude Monet, Impressionism, Sunrise,1872,Oil on Canvas, 1?7 ??X 2? 1 ??, Musee Marmottan, Paris D: Boats sailing into the docks located close to factories. A: Sketchy Quality of the image and clearly evident brush strokes. I: Concern with acknowledgement of paint and canvas and adherence to impressionistic conventions

The Modernization of China 2

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?First Five Year Plan (1953-57) Collectivisation led to? Greater CCP control rurally and some peasants better off foodwise Dr. Sun Yat Sen 1866-1925?Father of the Chinese Revolution. Studied in USA, became Christian. Formed Saving China Association. Sold printed Chinese Bibles. Worked with General Huang Xing to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. Assumed office as provisional president after the 1911 Revolution, but he wasn't even in China. Established the Three People's Principles (Nationalism, democracy, people's livelihood) Positive Industrial results of FFYP Almost all production exceeded targets such as Coal, steel, cement, electricity, trucks, machines and bicycles all exceeded production targets. Negative Industrial results of FFYP

The Modernization of China

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Term/Question Answer How did Chinese culture develop? developed laregly in isolation; tended towards unification Confucius emphasized on ideal and proper principles of society?emphasized on living by ren (humanity that is developed) by knowing the li (propriety) First Fiver Year Plan 1953-1957 Thought Reform -1951?-Mao feared intellectuals?-reeducation campaign targeted at intellectuals to teach them party ideals?-cleansing process to make them worthy of Mao Great Leap Forward launched May 1958 ended June 1960 Permanent Revolution -Mao thought gradual development would lead to the end of the revolution and free market capitalism?-by making ideology at the focus, it would keep the revolution from stopping Great Leap Forward
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