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New patterns of nationalism

1914 to Present

  1. New patterns of nationalism
    1. Interwar years
      1. Fascist parties focus on nationalism
        1. Exclusion/persecution of minorities
      2. Comparing nationalism in Europe to the colonies
        1. Europe and Japan
          1. Nationalism fueled racism, fascism and domination
          2. National pride synonymous with national expansion
            1. Conquering of other peoples
        2. In colonies
          1. Nationalism equaled self-determination
          2. Ability to free nation from another’s rule/determine one’s destiny
          3. National pride meant national sovereignty
    2. Decolonization
      1. Major Themes
        1. Third World Nations
          1. Many struggle to develop healthy political/economic structures
          2. Many places caused more problems than solved
        2. Caught up in Cold War struggle – became pawns in larger conflict
        3. Creates huge imbalances
          1. Technological development
          2. Vast gap between West’s affluence and third world poverty
        4. Lagged behind economically and politically
        5. Steps in place by World War II
          1. Britain becomes British Commonwealth < British Empire
            1. After armed uprising from Ireland – 1922
          2. Britain/France give Middle Eastern mandates more autonomy
        6. WWII pried grip Europe had on colonies
        7. Overthrow of governments installed/supported by foreigners
          1. Especially true in L. America – US supported regimes
          2. These were struggles for national liberation
        8. Reasons for decolonization
          1. African independence movements
          2. world opinion
          3. cost of maintaining colonies
          4. ideology – hard to defend colonialism, when just finished war for democracy
        9. Generalizations
          1. African nations with clear black majority – nationhood easier
          2. Colonies with large white population
            1. Protracted and bloody revolution
              1. Southern Rhodesia
              2. South Africa
          3. France not willing to release as readily as Great Britain
            1. Mimics attitude toward colonies in setting up
              1. Colonial administrative structure
        10. Legacies of decolonization - Africa
          1. Africa new nations faced with
            1. Civil wars because of rival ethnic groups w/in nation
            2. military takeovers due to lack of democratic experience
            3. population explosion
            4. low per capita income
            5. lack of local capital for infrastructure and industry
            6. urbanization
            7. government corruption
          2. Responses to problems
            1. imposition of socialism – ujamaa in Tanzania
            2. call for African authenticity
            3. adoption of one-party political systems
            4. assumption of huge debtloads
        11. Legacies of decolonization – Middle East
          1. Middle East faced with
            1. Ethnic divisions
            2. military coups
            3. government corruption
            4. population explosion
            5. poverty with problem of life expectancy
            6. lack of capital
            7. dwindling supplies of fresh water
          2. Responses
            1. socialism
            2. large debt from international lenders
            3. religious fundamentalism
        12. Legacies of decolonization – Latin America
          1. Latin America ended colonization century earlier – still problems
          2. Biggest problem – unequal distribution of wealth
            1. Land, mines and business enterprises
              1. Belonged to few wealthy, or…
              2. Foreign investors
      2. Patterns of decolonization
        1. Newly liberated nation could build a successful political/economic if
          1. Did it fight a war to become free?
          2. How enlightened were the educated native elite
            1. Did colonizer help w/ transition
            2. Britain did well, France OK, Portugal/Belgium bad
          3. Degree of ethnic, cultural, religious differences
          4. Degree of natural resources
            1. Did economy diversify or remain monoculture
            2. Did it continue same method of using natural resources
              1. Only increased income gap
            3. Degree of environmental damange
          5. Did they take sides in the Cold War
            1. Usually sided with Communists
              1. Former colonizers US allies
              2. Marxist rhetoric of USSR appealing
            2. Flow of intertribal weapons
      3. South and Southeast Asia
        1. Nationalists and anti-imperial aspirations spread
        2. Vietnam, Burma, Indonesia push for independence
          1. Uneasy alliance between
            1. Westernized middle class
            2. Intellectuals and students
            3. Inspired by Marx and Lenin
          2. Like in China, these alliances soon fell apart
        3. India
          1. Indian National Congress (Congress Party) pushes for change
          2. Want independence or dominion status (like Canada, NZ, Aus)
            1. Felt they were owed after
            2. 2 million troops
          3. Demonstrations and protests – led by Gandhi
          4. Armitsar massacre – British fire on unarmed protesters
            1. Gandhi goes to prison, British get more restrictive
          5. Britain gradually grants concessions, but Congress pushes for more
          6. Peaceful resistance – satyagraha – “hold to the truth”
            1. Salt march – 50,000 – 200 mile march – make salt illegally
            2. Gandhi jailed
            3. 1935 Government of India Act
              1. Increased suffrage/provincial gov’t to Indian leaders
          7. Jawaharlal Nehru takes over Congress/movement
            1. Ghandi – spiritual leader + Nehru – political leader
            2. Begin “Quit India” campaign – Brits leave
          8. Muslim League
            1. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
            2. Creation of a Muslim state – Pakistan – “land of the pure”
              1. Nation separated by 1000 miles of Indian territory
          9. Independence in 1947 leads to bloodshed/civil war
            1. Bitter Indo-Pakistani rivalry exists today
          10. Key points
            1. Britain removed East India Company
            2. Set up colonial administration
            3. Agitation for independence – strikes/demonstrations
            4. After WWII – Britain agrees to independence – 1947
            5. Muslim minority afraid of Hindu-dominated India
            6. Britain breaks India into Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan
            7. 1971 Civil War in Pakistan
              1. West > Pakistan and East > Bangladesh
      4. Nationalism resulting from Arab-Israeli Conflict
        1. Jews create new homeland – Zionist nation
        2. Palestinians forced into exile –new nationalism for refugee homeland
          1. Palestinian Liberation Organization – PLO
            1. Terrorist organization and political movement
            2. Leader - Yasser Arafat
          2. Arabness untied as common enemy becomes Israel
          3. Establishment of Israel
            1. Britain had agreed to create a Jewish state, but delayed 1920s/1930s
              1. Wanted to avoid Arab conflict
            2. International sympathy + US support led to establishment of Israel
              1. Immediate war – Arab outrage
              2. Israel easily wins war
              3. Millions of Palestinian Arabs displaced to Jordan, Lebanon, rest of Middle East
          4. Arab-Israeli Conflict
            1. Several Arab states-Israeli wars
              1. Six-Day War – 1967
              2. Yom Kippur War – 1973
            2. Israel easily wins wars – supremely trained, highly motivated, US
            3. Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt recognizes Israel in 1978
              1. Sinai Peninsula returned
              2. Moderate nations begin to recognize Israel’s nation status
            4. Palestinians continue to wage intifada – only nationalism available
              1. Demonstrations and protests that lead to bloodshed
              2. Begin terrorist attacks
            5. Israel choice – breakdown in human rights/democracy for security
              1. Oftentimes have to attack poorly armed minors
      5. Africa
        1. Ghana first in 1957, Namibia last 1990
        2. Settler colonies take longer, become violent
          1. South Africa – Afrikaners impose apartheid
            1. Colored prohibited from voting, getting best jobs
        3. Egypt
          1. Won independence in 1930, but Britain still controlled Suez
          2. 1952, after embarrassing Arab-Israeli war, revolt
            1. King Farouk replaced by Gamal Nasser
              1. 1956 – Egypt ended influence of Britain
          3. Again Egypt loses to Israel – Six-Day War in 1967
            1. Since they’ve solicited/accepted US/Western aide
    3. Racism/Genocide
      1. Fascists – dominant race vs. inferior races/scapegoats
      2. Wartime genocides
        1. Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Empire
        2. Holocaust
      3. South Africa - Apartheid
    4. New nationalisms
      1. The Middle East
        1. Prior to WWI, on threshold of change
          1. Young Turks – secularization, science, technology
        2. After WWI, occupied areas have nationalistic reaction
          1. The Turkish state
            1. Roots in Young Turks – seized power in 1908
              1. Modernizing officers/politicians
            2. But…joined Central Powers – Ottoman Empire ended
              1. Peace treaty stripped most of its territory
              2. Greece tries to take advantage
            3. Ataturk – Colonel Mustafa Kemal
              1. Forms new government in Ankara
                1. Expels Greeks and overthrows Sultan
              2. Drove out Greeks
              3. Sultan kicked out in 1923
              4. Turkish Republic created
              5. Took title “Ataturk” – father of the Turks
              6. Attempts to make modern state
                1. Industrialization
                2. Western dress
                3. Western education
                4. Turkish in Roman alphabet
                5. Church and state separated
                6. Shar’ia replaced with European laws
                7. Women not required to be veiled
                8. Women right to vote in 1934
                  1. Encouraged to be educated
                  2. Join workforce
              7. Most Westernized, secular state due to Attaturk
          2. Persian Independence
            1. From 1794-1925 Persia ruled by Qajar dynasty
              1. But Russia controlled north, British south
            2. After WWI, Britain increased presence – oil
              1. Led to nationalistic backlash
            3. 1925 Reza Khan military leader leads mutiny
              1. Expels British
              2. Creates new royal dynasty
              3. Renamed Iran
              4. Westernized Iran
              5. Boosted education
              6. Did away with veil for women
              7. Secularized nation
              8. Quite authoritarian
          3. Egypt, North Africa, Arabia
            1. Arab lands divided into mandates
              1. Supervised by League of Nations also
              2. France – Syria and Lebanon
              3. Britain – Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine
            2. European presence quite annoying
              1. Fought for Allies, thought they’d be rewarded
              2. Angered at Balfour Declaration
                1. Jewish state – only 10% in Palestine
            3. Zionist movement
              1. Mass immigration in 1920s and 1930s
              2. British tried to limit – to avoid conflict
              3. By 1939 – Jews 30% of Palestine
            4. Arabia has to kick out remaining Ottomans
              1. Ibn Saud united Arabian tribes
              2. Names new area Saudi Arabia – 1932
              3. 1938 – Standard Oil discovers oil
                1. Now it becomes real important
              4. Patterns in Postwar Middle East
                1. Independence went to former colonies/mandates
                2. Region critical due to source of petroleum
                  1. 2/3 of world’s oil from Middle East
                  2. Wealth hasn’t eliminated poverty/inequality
                    1. Profits go to upper class
                  3. Major reserves not in most heavily-populated
                3. Contradiction modernize vs. preserve Islamic tradition
                  1. Iran and Afghanistan – fundamentalist
                  2. How to balance religious/cultural heritage, but
                    1. democracy
                    2. freedom of religion
                    3. freedom of the press
                    4. secular law codes
                    5. gender equality
                    6. women
                      1. reproductive freedom
                      2. how they dress
                      3. whether go out in public
                      4. types of education/jobs available
                4. Destabilizing effect of Arab-Israeli conflict since 1948
                5. Competition between US and USSR in Cold War
                6. Dictatorship, authoritarian rule, human rights abuses
                7. Turkey/Iran modernized – already independent Interwar per
              5. Problems in the Middle East
                1. 1948 - Israel – Jewish Haganah vs. British then Arabs
                2. 1956 – Sinai War – easy victory Israel – threaten Suez Canal
                3. 1967 – Six Day War – Israel takes Jerusalem and West Bank
                4. 1973 – Yom Kippur – Egypt attacks Israel – 16 day war
                5. 1980 – Iran’s new leader vs. Iraq’s Saddam Hussein
                6. 1982 – Israel invades Lebanon as buffer zone
                7. 1990 – Iraq invades Kuwait, UN coalition liberates
                8. 2003 – US attacks Kuwait – fear of WMD
                  1. Military routed, occupation/nation-building now
      2. Breakup of the Soviet Union
        1. Command economy of the Soviet Union not working
          1. economy stagnant due to problems inherent in central planning
          2. consumer lines longer for fewer goods
          3. alcoholism became national concern
          4. foreign policies draining resources
            1. arms race
            2. war in Afghanistan
            3. funding to developing nations to counter China/US
        2. Mikhail Gorbachev enters
          1. signals end to Cold War
          2. Introduced glasnost – openness in government
          3. Introduced perestroika – restructuring of economic/political process
            1. permitted some private ownership
            2. Permitted some private control of agriculture/industry
            3. Foreign investment allowed
            4. Companies allowed to produce consumer goods
          4. Reforms led to growing discontent in satellite nations
            1. 1991 Baltic republics declare independence
            2. Independence movements spread to Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova
        3. 1991 Soviet Union dissolved
          1. Republics began declaring independence
          2. Nations of Eastern Europe turned back communist leaders
          3. Becomes Commonwealth of Independent States
          4. Today, Russia still struggles with economic weakness/ethnic clashes
        4. New nations of Eastern Europe
          1. Impossible to preserve ethnic unity – divided across lands
          2. Soviet Union had kept ethnic tensions underground
          3. So…fighting, secession, ethnic cleansing mars future
            1. Bosnia, Kosovo, Yugoslavia, Chechnya
            2. Yugoslovia – bitter conflict results
              1. Muslims, Serbs, Croats
          4. Problems faced
            1. privatizing of national industries
              1. Corruption –buy companies at discount prices
            2. end of central planning
            3. adoption of free-market economies
              1. No tradition of supply/demand and competition
            4. high unemployment
            5. inflation
            6. some places energized for return to communism
      3. China – Birth of the Chinese Republic
        1. After 1911 – China gained independence and tried democracy
          1. Nationalist (Kuomintang Party) rules – Sun Yat-sen leads
        2. Sun Yat-sen steps down
          1. Needs support of military
          2. General Yuan Shikai takes over – becomes dictator
            1. He dies in 1916 and China ruled by military until 1920s
        3. After death, China reverts back to warlords and bandits
        4. Three groups vying for power
          1. Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
          2. Nationalists (return from exile in Japan)
          3. Japanese – taking over Manchuria and want more
    5. Extreme forms of nationalism, ethnic hostility, religious fundamentalism
      1. Economic tensions + diplomatic realignments
        1. Leads to renewal of religious/ethnic tensions previous kept in control
      2. Leads to
        1. Extermist gov’t in Afghanistan
        2. Rise of anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe
        3. Right-wing extremists
        4. neo-Nazi movements
        5. Massacre of 800,000 Tutsis
        6. Wars of separation in former Yugoslavia – Serbia – “ethnic cleansing”
Subject X2: 

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