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The Earth and Its Peoples Chapter 1-6

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CH. 1: Nature, Humanity and History ? The First Four Million Years Most cultures have some sort of story about their origins - In the nineteenth century, more solid evidence of our origins arose A. African Genesis - In the mid-ninteen hundreds, the remains of humanlike creatures excited the masses, but were controversial i. Interpreting the Evidence In 1856 the first humoid fossils were found in Neander Valley Three years after, Charles Darwin argued the time frame of biological life in ?On the Origin of Species? Natural selection being biological variations that improved survival rates in populations (evolution) The earliest man was found in Africa, preceding both the Java Man (Southeast Asia_ and the Peking man (China) ii. Human Evolution

Ch. 1-4 AP World History Notes

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Darlene Kim Mr. Jones World History AP Part 1 ? The Emergence of Human Communities to 500 B.C.E. Chapter 1 ? From the Origins of Agriculture to the First River- Valley Civilizations 8000-1500 B.C.E. The world?s first urban civilization had begun with people living in Sumer, about five thousand years ago in Mesopotamia. Early societies that exhibited civilization traits were living nearby floodplains of great rivers. (i.e. Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq)

The Earth and Its Peoples - Chapter 12

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CHAPTER 12 Peoples and Civilizations of the Americas, 200?1500 I?? seq NLA \r 0 \h . Classic-Era Culture and Society in Mesoamerica, 200?900 A?? seq NL1 \r 0 \h . Teotihuacan 1?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . Teotihuacan was a large Mesoamerican city at the height of its power in 450?600 c.e. The city had a population of 125,000 to 200,000 inhabitants and was dominated by religious structures, including pyramids and temples where human sacrifice was carried out. 2?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . The growth of Teotihuacan was made possible by forced relocation of farm families to the city and by agricultural innovations including irrigation works and chinampas (?floating gardens?) that increased production and thus supported a larger population.

The Earth and Its Peoples - Chapter 1b

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SEQ NLI \r 0 \h ?? seq NL1 \r 0 \h Chapter 2 (second part of chapter 1 in textbook) - The First River-Valley Civilizations, 3500?1500 b.c.e. I?? seq NLA \r 0 \h . Mesopotamia A?? seq NL1 \r 0 \h . Settled Agriculture in an Unstable Landscape 1?? seq NL_a \r 0 \h . Mesopotamia is the alluvial plain area alongside and between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The area is a difficult environment for agriculture because there is little rainfall, the rivers flood at the wrong time for grain agriculture, and the rivers change course unpredictably.


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