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Cell Division

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Cell Division Cell Division in Prokaryotes DNA is a circular chromosome attached to the inner surface of the plasma membrane like a rope attached to the inner wall of a tent Binary fission- Division of a prokaryotic cell into two offspring cells DNA is copied, two identical chromosomes attach to the inside of the prokaryote?s inner cell membrane A new cell membrane begins to develop between the two DNA copies As new material is added, the growing cell membrane pushes inward and the cell is constricted in the center A new cell wall forms around the new membrane and the prokaryote is split into two Each cell contains one of the identical chromosomes that resulted from the copying of the original cell?s chromosomes Cell Division in Eukaryotes


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??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ? Meiosis??I. Formation of Haploid Cells???? A. In animals, meiosis produces gametes, haploid reproductive cells???? ??? 1. In humans, sperm + egg cells???? ??? 2. Each contain 23 (1n) chromosomes???? ??? 3. Fusion results in a zygote that contains 46 (2n) chromosomes???? B. Undergo the G1, S, and G2 phases of interphase.???? C. Begin meiosis with a duplicate set of chromosomes, but undergo meiosis twice???? ??? 1. Diploid (2n) cells result in four haploid (1n) cells???? D. Meiosis I- Stages of the first cell division???? E. Meiosis II- Stages of the second cell division?II. Meiosis I???? A. Prophase I???? ??? 1. DNA coils into chromosomes, spindle fibers appear (like mitosis)???? ??? 2. Nucleolus & nuclear membrane disassemble (like mitosis)???? ??? 3.

AP Biology Chapter 19

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Differential Gene Expression in Development Stem Cells from Fat 19 Differential Gene Expression in Development 19.1 What Are the Processes of Development? 19.2 Is Cell Differentiation Irreversible? 19.3 What Is the Role of Gene Expression in Cell Differentiation? 19.4 How Is Cell Fate Determined? 19.5 How Does Gene Expression Determine Pattern Formation? 19.1 What Are the Processes of Development? Development: the process in which a multicellular organism undergoes a series of progressive changes that characterizes its life cycle. In its earliest stages, a plant or animal is called an embryo. The embryo can be protected in a seed, an egg shell, or a uterus. 19.1 What Are the Processes of Development? Four processes of development: Determination sets the fate of the cell.

Biology Journal: Biology Benefits

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What is Biology Good For? Killing Cancer Cells: Chemotherapy Drugs (15 pts) Journal Entry Answer the following from the reading using clear and concise scientific writing skills: 1. Aside from Chemotherapy, list at least two other methods available to stop the spread of cancer, breast cancer or otherwise. 2. What is leukemia and why would it be treated with chemotherapy rather than other methods? 3. Tumors metastisize when they attract new blood vessel growth (angiogenesis) and escape to other parts of the body via the new blood vessel. Why might drugs called angiogenesis inhibitors be useful in stopping the spread of cancer ? Common Chemotherapy Drugs

AP Bio Lab #9

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For lab #9 if you have trouble filling out the chart here's a website to help you out and the document attatched is something that was given to use by our teacher because the experiment failed, (the stain ended up being too dark).


Chapter 5 Notes

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Joey Miller AP Biology Chapter 5: The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules The Molecules of Life Macromolecules ? Huge molecules consisting of thousands of atoms Carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids are macromolecules Macromolecules are Polymers, Built from Monomers Polymer ? A long molecule consisting of many similar or identical building blocks linked by covalent bonds. Carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids are polymers Monomer ? The repeating units that serve as the building blocks of a polymer are smaller molecules called monomers. The Synthesis and Breakdown of Polymers Enzymes ? specialized macromolecules that speed up chemical reactions

Ch10 Intelligence

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Intelligence Intelligence = ability to learn from experiences. But in research studies, intelligence is what intelligence tests measure. Reification: reasoning error where we view an abstract, immaterial concept as if it were a concrete thing (judging people by their IQ scores). IQ Test, Stanford-Binet Test: mental age divided by real age x 100 Intelligence is always expressed in context (medicine, music, art, warriors) Factor analysis ? a statistical method that identifies a variety of related factors in a test.

Campbell Bio lectures 2

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Chapter 16 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance Overview: Life?s Operating Instructions In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick introduced an elegant double-helical model for the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA DNA, the substance of inheritance, is the most celebrated molecule of our time Hereditary information is encoded in DNA and reproduced in all cells of the body This DNA program directs the development of biochemical, anatomical, physiological, and (to some extent) behavioral traits Concept 16.1: DNA is the genetic material Early in the 20th century, the identification of the molecules of inheritance loomed as a major challenge to biologists The Search for the Genetic Material: Scientific Inquiry


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