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Civil War Pickett's Charge

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Pickett?s Charge By Jakob Verhulst My project is a model of Pickett?s Charge. The clothespin people with the blue uniforms are the Union soldiers. The gray uniformed people are the Confederates. Pickett is the one with the sword and the yellow sash hanging from his waist. The clump of trees is the goal that Confederates were charging toward, because it was what they could see from a mile away.

APEURO Spielvogel ch 28 notes

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Chapter 28 Cold War (1945-1973) Why were the United States and Soviet Union suspicious of each other? What happened between 1945-1949 to heighten tension? What were the main developments in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe between 1945-1970? What were the main political developments in Western Europe between 1945-1970? * What were the similarities and differences in the political, social, and economic history of Eastern and Western Europe between 1945-1970? DEVELOPMENT OF COLD WAR (pg. 804-810) Confrontation of Superpowers: Unity between nations were maintained during WWII because of the need to defeat the Axis powers, but once they were defeated, differences between the Americans and Soviets surged.

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 12 notes

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X. - I. On to Canada over Land and Lakes Regular Army was weak- supplemented with ill-trained militias British forces were weakest in Canada- Americans focused on attacking Canada but not with full strength- they should?ve focused on Montreal British captured Fort Michilimackinac- British general was Isaac Brock American navy did better than army- blacks were on ships Oliver Hazard Perry built a fleet of ships on Lake Erie and captured a British fleet

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 11 notes

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I. Federalist and Republican Mudslingers Hamilton wrote a pamphlet against Adams- JDR?s published it- angered by Adams not going to war with the French ? Preparations were already set for war by the Federalists In response Federalists attacked Jefferson- talking about robbery and intimate relations with slaves- which was true II. The Jeffersonian ?Revolution of 1800? Jefferson won by a majority of 73 to 65- NY was the deciding state 3/5 compromise was helpful for Jefferson

Cold war america 1945-1960

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Cold war america 1945-1960 chapter 26 The Cold war, 1945-1946 WWII set the basic conditions for Cold War rivalry b/c the USSR had been a victim of German aggression in both world wars, Joseph Stalin was determined to prevent the rebuilding & re-arming of its traditional foe; he insisted on a security zone of friendly govts in E. Europe for protection At the Yalta Conference in 2/45, the Allies redrew the map & U.S. & GB agreed to recognize this Soviet ?sphere of influence,? with the proviso that ?free and unfettered elections? would be held as soon as possible. After Yalta, the Soviets made no move to hold the elections & rebuffed Western attempts to reorganize the Soviet-installed govts cold war in europe

Hitler's Rise to Power and Nazi Germany

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Hitler and Germany Rachel Robinson Adolf Hitler and Nazism in Germany Hitler was an anticommunist Against the practices of communism, or a system of government in which a single party holds power and all goods are equally shared by the people Instead, he admired Mussolini and his practice of fascism, a belief that the nation is more important than the individual Individualism makes countries weak A strong government led by a dictator was needed to impose order on society A nation becomes great by expanding its territory and building its military Hitler and Mussolini Hitler?s Background and Rise to Power Fought for Germany in WWI Germany?s surrender and acceptance of the conditions outlined in the Treaty of Versailles hurt his pride and left him with a vengeance

Human Gep ch.8 K.I 4

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Isaiah Bennett p.1 3/4/13 Ch.8 K.I 4 Why has Terrorism Increased? The term terror(from the Latin ?to frighten?) The term terrorism has been applied to actions by groups operating outside government rather than to these of official government agencies Distinguishing terrorism from other acts of political violence can be difficult Terrorism against Americans The united states suffered several terrorist attack during the late twentieth century. EX. 2001 September, 11th September 11, 2001, Attacks The most dramatic terrorist attack against the United States came on September 11, 2001. The tallest buildings in the United States, the 110-story twin towers of New York , The Pentagon, near Washington, D.C, and a American Airlines Flight 77. Were all attack?d AL-Qaeda

APWH Chaper 33 notes

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Chapter?33: The Great War: The World in Upheaval Chapter Outline The drift toward war Nationalist aspirations Nationalism spread by the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars Self-determination suggested that eachethnic group?had a right to a sovereign state Concept was ignored or opposed by dynastic powers Considerable nationalistic tensions in Ottoman, Hapsburg, and Russian empires Slavic nationalism: stressed kinship of all Slavic peoples Ottoman empire?shrank as first Greece, then others, gained independence Serbs of Austria-Hungary sought unification with independent Serbia Russians promoted Pan-Slavism in Austria-Hungarian empire Germany backed Austria-Hungary to fight ethnic nationalism National rivalries The naval race between Germany and Britain increased tensions

APWH Chaper 36 notes

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Chapter?36: New Conflagrations: World War II and the Cold War Chapter Outline Origins of World War II Japan's war in China Global conflict began with Japanese invasion of Manchuria, 1931 League of Nations?condemned action; Japan simply withdrew from league 1937, Japan launched full-scale invasion of China The Rape of Nanjing characterized war waged against civilians Aerial bombing of Shanghai In Nanjing, widespread rape and slaughter Chinese resistance movement Nationalists and communists formed "united front" against Japanese Unable to effectively work together, they conducted guerilla attacks Communists gained popular support throughout war Japan's Triple Pact with Germany and Italy, 1940; neutrality pact with Soviet Union, 1941 Italian and German aggression

APWH Chaper 37 notes

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Chapter?37: The End of Empire Chapter Outline Independence in Asia India's "vivisection": partitioned independence Indian self-rule British finally willing to consider independence after WWII Muslim separatism grew; feared domination by Hindus Muslim League called a Day of?Direct Action?in 1946; rioting left six thousand dead Partition of India and ensuing violence Gandhi condemned division of India as a "vivisection" Independent India, 1947, divided into Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India Ten million refugees moved either to India or Pakistan; one million died in migration Gandhi assassinated by a Hindu extremist, 30 January 1948 Conflicts between?India and Pakistan 1947, fought over province of Kashmir; Pakistan lost


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