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Chapter 02 - Transplantations and Borderlands

1)The Early Chesapeake

a)The Founding of Jamestown

i)Charter granted to London Company in 1604 by King James I, Godspeed, Discovery, and Susan Constant left England and landed in Jamestown, VA in 1607

ii)Colony mostly al men, inadequate diets contributed to disease, by 1608 colony had almost failed (poor leadership, location, disease, food) except Capt. John Smith saved it by imposing work and order and organizing raids against Indians


i)London Company became Virginia Company 1609, gained expanded charter, sold stock, wish to grew VA colony with land grants to planters

ii)Winter of 1609-1610= starving time

iii)First governor Lord De La Warr arrived 1609, established harsh discipline w/ work gangs

iv)Communal system didn’t work well, Governor Dale thought better off with personal incentive to work and private ownership


i)1612 VA planter John Rolfe began to grow tobacco, cultivation spread, created a tobacco economy that was profitable, uncertain, and high labor and land demands, created need for territorial expansion


i)Tobacco still not enough to make profits, 1618 campaign to attract settlers

ii)Headright system- land grants to new settles, encouraged family groups to migrate together, rewarded those who paid for passages of others

iii)Company brought women and skilled workers, allowed for a share in self-govt (VA House of Burgesses met July 30, 1619)

iv)1919 saw arrival of first Negro slaves on Dutch ship, but palnters continued to favor indentured servants until at least 1670s b/c cheaper and more abundant

v)Colony grew b/c Indians suppressed, Sir Thomas Dale led assaults, huge uprising staged by Powhatans in 1622 but eventually put down, again 1644

vi)By 1624 Virginia Company defunct, lost all funds, charter revoked by James I and colony put under control of crown

e)Exchanges of Agricultural Tech

i)Survival of Jamestown result of agricultural tech developed by Indians and borrowed by English, such as value of corn w/ its high yields, beans alongside corn to enrich soil

f)Maryland and the Calverts

i)Dream of George Calvert (first Lord Baltimore) as speculative venture + retreat for English Cath. oppressed by Anglican church, 1632 son Cecilius (second Lord Balt) got charter from king, made complete sovereigns of new land

ii)1634 Lord Balt named brother Leonard Calvert governor, settlers arrived in Maryland

iii)Calverts invested heavily, needed many settlers to make profit, encouraged Prot. as well as Catholics (Cath became minority), “Act Concerning Religion” granted toleration; yet politics in MD plagued by tension btwn Catholic minority and Prot. majority, civil war 1655

iv)Proprietor was absolute monarch, Lord Balt. granted land to relatives and other English aristocrats, labor shortages required headright system

g)Turbulent Virginia

i)Mid 17th century VA colony had larger pop, complexity and profitability of economy, debates over how to deal with Indians

ii)Sir William Berkeley apptd governor by King Charles I 1642, put down 1644 Indian uprising and agreed to not cross settlement line. Impossible to protect Indian territory b/c of growth of VA after Cromwell’s victory in English Civil War and flight of opponents to colony

(1)Choice lands along river occupied, new arrivals pressed westward

iii)At first vote extended to all, later only to landowners and elections rare, led to recent settlers in “back country” to be underrepresented

h)Bacon’s Rebellion

i)Nathaniel Bacon and other members of backcountry gentry disagreed on policies toward natives, backcountry in constant danger from Indian attack b/c on land reserved to natives by treaty, believed east. aristocracy wanted to protect dominance by holding down white settlers in west

ii)Bacon on governors council, in 1675 led counter-attacks against Indians against governors orders, kicked off council, unauthorized assault on Indians became a military challenge to colonial govt

iii)Bacon’s army marched on Jamestown twice, died suddenly

iv)Rebellion showed unwillingness of settlers to abide by agreements with natives, also potential for instability in colony’s large population of free, landless men eager for land and against landed gentry—common interest in east and west aristocracy to prevent social unrest, led to African slave trade growing

2)The Growth of New England

a)Plymouth Plantation

i)1608 Pilgrims (Separatists from Ang. Chur) went to Holland to seek freedom, unhappy with children entering Dutch society

ii)Leaders obtained permission from VA Company to settle in VA, king would “not molest them”. William Bradford was their leader and historian

iii)Left 1620 aboard Mayflower with 35 “saints” (members of church) and 67 “strangers”, original destination Hudson River but ended up @ Cape Cod

iv)Land outside of London Company’s territory, therefore signed Mayflower Compact to establish a civil govt and give allegiance to king

v)Found cleared land from Indians killed by disease, natives provided assistance (Squanto), Indians weaker than Southern counterparts, 1622 Miles Standish imposed discipline on Pilgrims to grow corn, develop fur trade

vi)William Bradford elected governor, sought legal permission for colony from Council for New England, ended communal labor and distributed land privately, paid off colonies debt

b)The Massachusetts Bay Experiment

i)Puritans persecuted by James I, and afterward by Charles I who was trying to restore Catholicism to England. 1629 sought charter for land in Massachusetts, some members of Massachusetts Bay Company saw themselves as something more than a business venture, creating a haven for Puritans in N.E.

ii)Governor John Winthrop led seventeen ships in 1630, Boston became company headquarters and capital but many colonists moved into a number of other new towns in E. Mass. 

iii)Mass. Bay Company became colonial govt, corporate board of directors gave way to elections by male citizens. Didn’t separate from Anglican church but more leeway in church than centralized structure in England, “congregation church”

iv)Mass Puritans serous and pious ppl, led lies of thrift and hard work, “city upon a hill” (Winthrop). Clergy and govt worked close together, taxes supported church, dissidents little freedom, Mass a “theocracy”

v)Large number of families ensured feeling of commitment to community and sense of order, allowed pop to reproduce very quickly

c)Expansion of New England

i)As more ppl arrived many didn’t accept all religious tenets of colony’s leaders, Connecticut Valley attracted settlers b/c of fertile land and less religious

ii)Thomas Hooker led congregation to Hartford, established Fundamental Orders of Connecticut- created govt with more men given right to vote and hold off

iii)Fundamental Orders of New Haven established New Haven b/c viewed Boston as lacking in religious orthodoxy, later made Connect. with Hartford (royal)

iv)Rhode Island origins in Roger Williams, minister from MA who John Winthrop and others viewed as heretic. Was a Separatist, called for sep of church and state, banished + created Providence, 1644 obtained charter from Parliament to establish govt, “liberty in religious concernments”

v)Anne Hutchinson believed that Mass clergy were not among elect and ad no right to spiritual office, went against assumptions of proper role of women in Puritan society. Developed large following from women who wanted active role in religious affairs, and those opposed to oppressive colonial govt

(1)Unorthodoxy challenged religious beliefs + social order of Puritans, banished and moved to Rhode Island, 

vi)Followers of Hutchinson moved to New Hampshire and Maine, established in 1629 by Captain John Mason and Sir Ferdinando Gorges who received grant from Council for New England (former Plymouth Company)

d)Settlers and Natives

i)Natives less powerful rivals to N.E. settlers, small to begin with and nearly extinguished by epidemics

ii)Provided assistance to settlers, whites learned about local food crops + technique, trade with Indians created fortune

iii)Peaceful relations did not last, whites appetite for land grew as pop increased, livestock required more land to graze. Character of conflict and white bruatity emerged in part out of Puritan attitude toward Natives now seen as “heathens” and “savages’

e)The Pequot War, King Philip’s War, and Technology of Battle

i)First major conflict 1637 w/ settlers in Connecticut Valley and Pequot Indians over trade w/ Dutch and land, English allied with rival Indians to Pequots. Capt John Mason killed many Indians, Pequots almost wiped out

ii)Most prolonged and deadly encounter began n 1675 btwn chief of Wampanoags under chief named King Philip, believed only armed resistance could protect land from English invasion and imposition of English law

(1)for three years natives destroyed towns, Mass economy and society weakened, white settlers eventually fought back

(2)1676 joined with rival Indians, Wampanoags shortly defeated, pop decimated and made powerless

iii)Settlements still remained in danger from surviving Indians, & new competition from French and Dutch

iv)Indians had made effective use of new weapon technology: flintlock rifle, which allowed them to inflict higher amounts of casualties. But Indians were no match for advante of English in numbers and firepower

3)The Restoration Colonies

a)The English Civil War

i)Charles I dissolved Parliament 1629 and ruled as absolute monarch, 1642 some members organized military challenge to king. Cavaliers (king, Cath) vs. Roundheads (Parl, Puritans + Prot). 1649 king defeated

ii)After Cromwell’s death in 1658, Stuart Restoration put Charles II back on throne, rewarded courtiers with grants of land. Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania all chartered as proprietary ventures

b)The Carolinas

i)Carved out of Virginia and given to eight proprietors 1663, proposed to sell or give land away using headrights and collect annual payments (quitrents), freedom of worship to Christians, but efforts failed

ii)Anthony Ashley Cooper (Lord Shaftesbury) financed migration from England 1670, founded Charleston 1690. Wanted planned and ordered community, with help of John Locke drew up Fundamental Constitution for Caroline 1669- elaborate system of land distribution and social order

(1)Colony never united, north and south separated socially and economically. N=backwoods, poor. S=Charles Town, trade, prosperous, aristocratic. Rice principal crop

iii)SC close ties to overpopulated Barbados where slavery had taken root. White Carribbean migrants- tough profit seekers- brought with them slave-based plantation society

iv)Tension btwn small N farmers and S wealthy planters, after Coopers death in 1719 colonists seized col from prop., king divided region into 2 royal colonies: North and South Carolina

c)New Netherland, New York, and New Jersey

i)1664 Chalres II gave brother James duke of York territory btwn Connecticut and Deleware River, much of which was claimed by Dutch. Conflict part of wider commercial rivalry, but English fleet under Richard Nicolls forced New Amsterdam and Peter Stuvyesant to surrender it to English. Became New York

ii)Diverse colony w/ may ppl, granted religious toleration, but tension over power distribution. Dutch “patrons” (large landowners”, also wealthy English landlords, fur traders w/ Iroquois ties

iii)Colony was growing and prosperous, most ppl settled within Hudson valley

iv)Duke gave land to political allies in John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, named their territory New Jersey. 1702 ceded control back to crown

d)The Quaker Colonies

i)Pennsylvania born out of effort of dissenting English Prt. to find home for religion and distinctive social order. Led by George Fox, Margaret Fell

ii)Society of Friends (Quakers) anarchistic, democratic, pacifist, no class distinction. They were unpopular, some jailed. Looked to America for asylum

iii)Wanted colony of their own, in William Penn found son of Navy admiral and Quaker. After death of father 1681 claimed debt owed by Charles II in form of a large grant of territory w/ Penn having virtual total authority

iv)Penn advertised PA (wanted profit), became cosmopolitan, settlers flocked there from Eur, but also wanted it to be a “holy experiment”

(1)Created liberal Frame of Government with Rep assembly, 1682 founded Philadelphia, befriended Indians and always paid them for land

(2)PA prospered but was not without conflict. By 1690s ppl upset by power of proprietor, south believed govt unresponsive.  1701 Penn agreed to Charter of Liberties establishing rep assembly with limited power of proprietor, “lower counties” allowed own rep assembly—result was later Delaware

4)Borderland and Middle Grounds

a)The Caribbean Islands

i)Early 17th century migrants flocked to Caribbean. B4 settlers substantial Native populations, wiped out by Eur epidemics, Islands became nearly deserted

ii)Spanish claimed title to al islands but only settled Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico. After Spain and Netherlands went to war 1621 English colonization increased thru 17th century raids by Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch

iii)Colonies built economy on exporting crops, tobacco and cotton unsuccessful, turned to sugar cane and rum. Sugar labor intensive and native population too small for workforce, planters found it necessary to import laborers

(1)Started with indentured servants but work too hard, began to rely more heavily on enslaved African work force. English soon outnumbered

b)Masters and Slaves in the Caribbean

i)Small white, successful population, large bonded African population led to fear of revolt, 1660s legal codes to regulate relations between master and slaves

(1)Many white slave owners concluded cheaper to buy new slaves than to protect well-being, worked them to death

ii)Establishing stable society and culture difficult b/c of harsh and deadly conditions, wealthy returned to England, whites left behind were poor + mostly single and contributed little, no church, family, community

(1)Africans developed world of their own, sustained African religion and social traditions

iii)Caribbean connected to NA colonies, principle source of slaves, plantation system provided models to mainland peoples

c)The Southwestern Borderlands

i)In C and S America Span established impressive empire, settlers prosperous. Areas N of Mexico unimportant economically, peopled by minorities, missionaries, soldiers

ii)New Mexico after Pueblo revolt 1680 developed flourishing agriculture, still not as successful as Span in Mexico and other denser areas

iii)Span began to colonize California after other Eur began to establish presence 1760s. Missions, forts (prestidos) trading areas led to decline in native population, rest forced to convert to Catholicism. Spanish wanted prosperous agricultural economy, used Indian laborers

iv)Late 17th century early 18th cent Spanish considered greatest threat to northern borders French. French traveled down Mississippi R., claimed Louisiana 1682. 

(1)Fearing French incursions west + displaced natives, Span began to fortify Texas by building forts, missions, settlements, San Fernando (San Antonio) 1731 

(2)North Arizona part of N Mexico ruled by Santa Fe, rest Mexican region Sonora. Heavy Jesuit missionary presence, little success though

v)Spanish colonies in SW created les to increase wealth of empire than to defend it from threats by other Eur powers in NA, but helped create enduring society unlike those established by English. Enlisted natives instead of displacing them

d)The Southeast Borderlands

i)Direcy challenge to English in NA was Spanish in southeastern areas. Florida claimed in 1560s missionaries and traders expanded north into Georgia. 1607 founding of Jamestown Span felt threatened, built forts, area between Carolinas and Florida site of tension btwn Span English and Span French

ii)By 18th century Spanish settlers driven out of Florida, confinded to St Augustine and Pensacola, relied on natives and Africans, intermarried

iii)Eventaully English prevailed, acquired Florida in Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War), English had always wanted to protect southern boundary

e)The Founding of Georgia

i)Founders group of unpaid trustees led by General James Oglethorpe, interested in economic success, military and philanthropic motives. Military barrier against Spanish and refuge for impoverished English to begin anew

ii)Treaty recognized English lands 1676, fighting continued in 1686 w/ raid against Carolina, hostilities broke out in 1701 in Queen Anne’s War/ War of the Spanish Succession ended in 1713

iii)Oglethorpe wanted colony south of Carolinas, wanted prisoners and poor people in debt to be farmer-soldiers of the new colony

iv)1732 King George II granted trustees land, compact settlement to defend against Spanish and Indians, excluded Africans, prohibited rum, regulated trade w/ Indians excluded catholics—all to prevent revolt/conflict

v)1733 founded at mouth of Savanna R, few debtors released form jail so hundreds of impoverished ppl from England and Scotland as well as religious refugees from Switzerland and Germany settled colony

vi)Strict rules stifled early development- ppl demanded right to buy slaves, restrictions on size of individual property, power of trustees

vii)1740 Ogelthorpe failed assault on St Augustine, trustees removed limitation on individual landholdings, 1750 allowed slavery, 1751 gave control of colony to king who then allowed for representative assembly

f)Middle Grounds

i)Struggle for NA not only among Eurs, but btwn Eurs and native populations

ii)In VA and New England settlers quickly established dominance and displaced natives, but in other areas balance of power more precarious

iii)In western borders neither side dominant, in “middle grounds” frequent conflict but each side had to make concessions. In these areas influence of colonial govt invisible, had own relationship with tribes

iv)To Indians Eurs menacing and appealing. Feared powerful weapons, but wanted them to moderate their own conflicts, offer gifts

v)17th century before English settlers French adept at beneficial relationships with tribes, many were solitary fur traders

vi)By mid 18th century French influence declinging and British settlers becoming dominant, had to deal with leaders thru gifts, cememonies, mediation instead of simple commands and raw force

vii)As British and American influece grew, new settlers had difficulty adapting to these complex rituals, stability btwn whites and Indians deteriorated, by 19th century “middle grounds” collapsed. Sotry of whites and Indians not only of conquest and subjugation but in some regions of difficult but stable acomodation and mutual adaption

5)The Evolution of the British Empire

a)The Drive for Reorganization

i)Imperial reorganization some believed would increase colonial profits, power of govt, success of mercantilism. Colonies= market for manufactured goods, source for raw materials, but foreigners had to be excluded

ii)Govt sought to monopolize trade with its colonies, but at times American colonists found it more profitable to trade w/ Spanish, French, Dutch. Trade developed btwn them and non-English markets

iii)@ First govt made no effort to restrict, but during Oliver Cromwell’’s Protectorate in 1650 + 1651 passed laws to keep Dutch ships out of English colonies,  Charlies II adopted three Navigation Acts

(1)First 1660 allowed trade to occur only in British ships. Second 1663 all goods to Eur had to pass thru England on way, taxable. Third 1673 created duties on coastal trade and allowed customs officials to enforce Acts

iv)Laws advantage for England, but some for colonies as well: created important shipbuilding industry, encouraged and subsidized the development production of goods English needed

b)The Dominion of New England

i)1679 Charles II tried to increase control over MA yb making New Hampshire a royal colony, five years later after MA refused to enforce Navigation Acts Charles revoked Massachusetts corporation charter, became royal colony

ii)James II 1686 created Dominion of New England, combined govts of MA w/ rest of NE colonies, 1688  NY and NJ as well. Eliminated assemblies, appt a single governor, Sir Edmund Andros. Rigid enforcement of Navigation Acts, dismissal of claims “rights of Englishmen”, strengthened Anglican church

c)The “Glorious Revolution”

i)James II ruled autocratically, Cath. ministers, w/o Parliament, 1688 daughter Mary and husband William of Orange assumed throne= bloodless coup

ii)Bostonians heard of overthrow of James II, unseated unpopular viceroy. Dominion of NE abolished, separate govts restored- except 1691 Plymouth + MA merged 2 royal colony, charter restored General Court but governor too, replaced church membership w/ property ownership as basis 4 voting + office

iii)Adros governed NY thru Captain Francis Nicholson (supported by wealthy merchants and fur traders), dissidents were led by Jacob Leisler who raised militia and captured city fort, drove Nicholson to exile. 1691 William and Mary appd new governor, Leisler charged with treason, rivalry btwn “Leislerians” and “anti-Laslerians” dominated NY poitics for years

iv)Maryland ppl erroneously assumed Cath Lord Baltimore had sided with James II, so 1689 John Coode started revolt, drove out Lord Balt’s officials, thru elected convention chose committee to govern and applied for chater, 1691 William and Mary granted. Church of Eng. offical religion, Cath prevented to hold office, vote, practice religion in public. 1715  5th Lord Baltimore became proprietor after joining Anglican Church

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