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Chapter 26 - The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution

I. The Clash of Cultures on the Plains

  1. After the Civil War, the Great West was still relatively untamed,
    wild, full of Indians, bison, and wildlife, and sparsely populated by a
    few Mormons and Mexicans.
  2. As the White settlers began to populate the Great West, the
    Indians, caught in the middle, increasingly turned against each other,
    were infected with White man’s diseases, and stuck battling to
    hunt the few remaining bison that were still ranging around.
    • The Sioux, displaced by Chippewas from the their ancestral lands at
      the headwaters of the Mississippi in the late 1700s, expanded at the
      expense of the Crows, Kiowas, and Pawnees, and justified their actions
      by reasoning that White men had done the same thing to them.
      • The Indians had become great riders, hunters, and fighters ever since the Spanish had introduced the horse to them.
  3. The federal government tried to pacify the Indians by signing
    treaties at Fort Laramie in 1851 and Fort Atkinson in 1853 with the
    chiefs of the tribes. However, the U.S. failed to understand that such
    “tribes” and “chiefs” didn’t necessarily
    represent groups of people in Indian culture, and that in most cases,
    Native Americans didn’t recognize authorities outside of their
  4. In the 1860s, the U.S. government intensified its efforts by
    herding Indians into still smaller and smaller reservations (like the
    Dakota Territory).
    • Indians were often promised that they wouldn’t be bothered
      further after moving out of their ancestral lands, and often, Indian
      agents were corrupt and pawned off shoddy food and products to their
      own fellow Indians.
    • White men often disregarded treaties, though, and frequently swindled the Indians.
  5. In frustration, many Native American tribes fought back. A slew of
    Indian vs. White skirmishes emerged between roughly 1864 to 1890 in the
    so-called “Indian Wars.”
    • After the Civil War, the U.S. Army’s new mission
      became—go clear Indians out of the West for White settlers to
      move in.
    • Many times though, the Indians were better equipped than the
      federal troops sent to quell their revolts because arrows could be
      fired more rapidly than a muzzle-loaded rifle. Invention of the Colt
      .45 revolver (six-shooter) and Winchester repeating rifle changed this.
    • Generals Sherman, Sheridan, and Custer (at Little Bighorn) all battled Indians.

II. Receding Native Population

  1. Violence reigned supreme in Indian-White relations.
    • In 1864, at Sand Creek, Colorado, Colonel J.M. Chivington’s
      militia massacred some four hundred Indians in cold blood—Indians
      who had thought they had been promised immunity and Indians who were
      peaceful and harmless.
    • In 1866, a Sioux war party ambushed Captain William J.
      Fetterman’s command of 81 soldiers and civilians who were
      constructing the Bozeman Trail to the Montana goldfields, leaving no
      • This massacre was one of the few Indian victories, as another treaty at Fort Laramie was signed two years later.
  2. Colonel Custer found gold in the Black Hills of South Dakota
    (sacred Sioux land), and hordes of gold-seekers invaded the Sioux
    reservation in search of gold, causing Sitting Bull and the Sioux to go
    on the warpath, completely decimating Custer’s Seventh Calvary at
    Little Big Horn in the process.
    • The reinforcements that arrived later brutally hunted down the
      Indians who had attacked, including their leader, Sitting Bull (he
  3. The Nez Percé Indians also revolted when gold seekers made
    the government shrink their reservation by 90%, and after a tortuous
    battle, Chief Joseph finally surrendered his band after a long trek
    across the Continental Divide toward Canada. He buried his hatchet and
    gave his famous speech saying, “From where the sun now stands I
    will fight no more forever.”
  4. The most difficult to subdue were the Apache tribes of Arizona and
    New Mexico, led by Geronimo, but even they finally surrendered after
    being pushed to Mexico, and afterwards, they became successful farmers.
  5. The Indians were subdued due to (1) the railroad, which cut through
    the heart of the West, (2) the White man’s diseases, (3) the
    extermination of the buffalo, (4) wars, and (5) the loss of their land
    to White settlement.

III. Bellowing Herds of Bison

  1. In the early days, tens of millions of bison dotted the American
    prairie, and by the end of the Civil War, there were still 15 million
    buffalo grazing, but it was the eruption of the railroad that really
    started the buffalo massacre.
    • Many people killed buffalo for their meat, their skins, or their
      tongues, but many people either killed the bison for sport or killed
      them, took only one small part of their bodies (like the tongue) and
      just left the rest of the carcass to rot.
  2. By 1885, fewer than 1,000 buffalo were left, and the species was in
    danger of extinction. Those left were mostly in Yellowstone National

IV. The End of the Trail

  1. Sympathy for the Indians finally materialized in the 1880s, helped
    in part by Helen Hunt Jackson’s book A Century of Dishonor and
    her novel Ramona.
    • Humanitarians wanted to kindly help Indians “walk the White
      man’s road” while the hard-liners stuck to their
      “kill ‘em all” beliefs, and no one cared much for the
      traditional Indian heritage and culture.
  2. Often, zealous White missionaries would force Indians to convert,
    and in 1884, they helped urge the government to outlaw the sacred Sun
    Dance, called the Ghost Dance by Whites. It was a festival that Whites
    thought was the war-drum beating.
    • At the Battle of Wounded Knee, the “Ghost Dance” was
      brutally stamped out by U.S. troops, who killed women and children as
      well. This battle marks the end of the Indian Wars as by then the
      Indians were all either on reservations or dead.
  3. The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 dissolved the legal entities of all
    tribes, but if the Indians behaved the way Whites wanted them to behave
    (become farmers on reservations), they could receive full U.S.
    citizenship in 25 years (full citizenship to all Indians was granted in
    1924). Ironically, an immigrant from a foreign nation could become a
    citizen much, much faster than a native-born Native American.
    • Reservation land not allotted to Indians under the act was sold to railroads.
    • In 1879, the Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania was founded to
      teach Native American children how to behave like Whites, completely
      erasing their culture.
    • The Dawes Act struck forcefully at the Indians, and by 1900 they
      had lost half the land than they had held 20 years before. This plan
      would outline U.S. policy toward Indians until the 1934 Indian
      Reorganization Act which helped the Indian population rebound and grow.

V. Mining: From Dishpan to Ore Breaker

  1. Gold was discovered in California in the late 1840s, and in 1858,
    the same happened at Pike’s Peak in Colorado.
    “Fifty-Niners” flocked out there, but within a month or
    two, the gold had run out.
  2. The Comstock Lode in Nevada was discovered in 1859, and a fantastic
    amount of gold and silver worth more than $340 million was mined.
  3. Smaller “lucky strikes” also drew money-lovers to
    Montana, Idaho, and other western states. Anarchy in these outposts
    seemed to rule, but in the end, what was left were usually ghost towns.
  4. After the surface gold was found, ore-breaking machinery was
    brought in to break the gold-bearing quartz (which was very expensive
    to do).
  5. Women found new rights in these Western lands however, gaining
    suffrage in Wyoming (1869) (the first place for women to vote), Utah
    (1870), Colorado (1893) and Idaho (1896).
  6. Mining also added to the folklore and American literature (Bret Harte & Mark Twain).

VI. Beef Bonanzas and the Long Drive

  1. As cities back east boomed in the latter half of the nineteenth century, the demand for food and meat increased sharply.
  2. The problem of marketing meat profitably to the public market and
    cities was solved by the new transcontinental railroads. Cattle could
    now be shipped to the stockyards under “beef barons” like
    the Swifts and Armours.
    • The meat-packaging industry thus sprang up.
  3. The “Long Drive” emerged to become a spectacular feeder
    of the slaughterhouses, as Texas cowboys herded cattle across desolate
    land to railroad terminals in Kansas.
    • Dodge City, Abilene, Ogallala, and Cheyenne became favorite stopovers.
      • At Dodge City Wyatt Earp and in Abilene, Marshal James B. Hickok maintained order.
  4. The railroads made the cattle herding business prosper, but it also
    destroyed it, for the railroads also brought sheepherders and
    homesteaders who built barbed-wire, invented by Samuel Glidden, fences
    that erased the open-range days of the long cattle drives.
    • Also, blizzards in the winter of 1886-87 left dazed cattle starving and freezing.
  5. Breeders learned to fence their ranches and to organize (i.e. the Wyoming Stock-Growers’ Association).
    • The legends of the cowboys were made here at this time, but lived on in American lore.

VII. The Farmers’ Frontier

  1. The Homestead Act of 1862 allowed folks to get as much as 160 acres
    of land in return for living on it for five years, improving it, and
    paying a nominal fee of about $30.00. Or, it allowed folks to get land
    after only six month’s residence for $1.25 an acre.
    • Before, the U.S. government had sold land for revenue, but now, it was giving it away.
    • This act led half a million families to buy land and settle out
      West, but it often turned out to be a cruel hoax because in the dry
      Great Plains, 160 acres was rarely enough for a family to earn a living
      and survive. And often, families were forced to give up their
      homesteads before the five years were up, since droughts, bad land, and
      lack of necessities forced them out.
    • However, fraud was spawned by the Homestead Act, since almost ten
      times as much land ended up in the hands of land-grabbing promoters
      than in the hands of real farmers. Sometimes these cheats would not
      even live on the land, but say that they’d erected a
      “twelve by fourteen” dwelling—which later turned out
      to be twelve by fourteen inches!
  2. Taming Western Deserts
    • Railroads such as the Northern Pacific helped develop the
      agricultural West, a place where, after the tough, horse-trodden lands
      had been plowed and watered, proved to be surprisingly fertile.
    • Due to higher wheat prices resulting from crop failures around the
      world, more people rashly pushed further westward, past the 100th
      meridian (which is also the magic 20-inch per year rainfall line),
      where it was difficult to grow crops.
      • Here, as warned by geologist John Wesley Powell, so little rain
        fell that successful farming could only be attained by massive
      • To counteract the lack of water (and a six year drought in the
        1880s), farmers developed the technique of “dry farming,”
        or using shallow cultivation methods to plant and farm, but over time,
        this method created a finely pulverized surface soil that contributed
        to the notorious “Dust Bowl” several decades later.
    • A Russian species of wheat—tough and resistant to
      drought—was brought in and grew all over the Great Plains, while
      other plants were chosen in favor of corn.
    • Huge federally financed irrigation projects soon caused the
      “Great American Desert” to bloom, and dams that tamed the
      Missouri and Columbia Rivers helped water the land.

VIII. The Far West Comes of Age

  1. The Great West experienced a population surge, as many people moved onto the frontier.
  2. New states like Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Idaho, and Wyoming were admitted into the Union.
    • Not until 1896 was Utah allowed into the Union, and by the 20th
      century, only Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona remained as territories.
    • In Oklahoma, the U.S. government made available land that had
      formerly belonged to the Native Americans, and thousands of
      “Sooners” jumped the boundary line and illegally went into
      Oklahoma, often forcing U.S. troops to evict them.
    • On April 22, 1889, Oklahoma was legally opened, and 18 years later, in 1907, Oklahoma became the “Sooner State.”
  3. In 1890, for the first time, the U.S. census announced that a frontier was no longer discernible.
  4. The “closing” of the frontier inspired the Turner Thesis, which stated that America needed a frontier.
  5. At first, the public didn’t seem to notice that there was no
    longer a frontier, but later, they began to realize that the land was
    not infinite, and concern led to the first national park being opened,
    Yellowstone, founded in 1872, followed by Yosemite and Sequoia (1890).

IX. The Fading Frontier

  1. The frontier was a state of mind and a symbol of opportunity.
  2. The “safety valve theory” stated that the frontier was
    like a safety valve for folks who, when it became too crowded in their
    area, could simply pack up and leave, moving West.
    • Actually, few city-dwellers left the cities for the West, since
      they didn’t know how to farm; the West increasingly became less
      and less a land of opportunity for farms, but still was good for hard
      laborers and ranchers.
    • Still, free acreage did lure a host of immigrant farmers to the
      West—farmers that probably wouldn’t have come to the West
      had the land not been cheap—and the lure of the West may have led
      to city employers raising wages to keep workers in the cities.
  3. It seems that the cities, not the West, were the safety valves, as
    busted farmers and fortune seekers made Chicago and San Francisco into
    large cities.
  4. Of hundreds of years, Americans had expanded west, and it was in
    the trans-Mississippi west that the Indians made their last stand,
    where Anglo culture collided with Hispanic culture, and where America
    faced Asia.
  5. The life that we live today is one that those pioneers dreamed of,
    and the life that they lived is one of which we can only dream.

X. The Farm Becomes a Factory

  1. Farmers were now increasingly producing single “cash”
    crops, since they could then concentrate their efforts, make profits,
    and buy manufactured goods from mail order companies, such as the Aaron
    Montgomery Ward catalogue (first sent in 1872) or from Sears.
  2. Large-scale farmers tried banking, railroading, and manufacturing,
    but new inventions in farming, such as a steam engine that could pull a
    plow, seeder, or harrow, the new twine binder, and the combined
    reaper-thresher sped up harvesting and lowered the number of people
    needed to farm.
    • Farmers, though, were inclined to blame banks and railroads for their losses rather than their own shortcomings.
  3. The mechanization of agriculture led to enormous farms, such as
    those in the Minnesota-North Dakota area and the Central Valley of
    • Henry George described the state as a country of plantations and estates.
    • California vegetables and fruits, raised by ill-paid Mexican workers, made handsome profits when sold to the East.

XI. Deflation Dooms the Debtor

  1. In the 1880s, when world markets rebounded, produced more crops,
    and forced prices down, the farmers in America were the ones that found
  2. Paying back debts was especially difficult in this deflation-filled
    time during which there was simply not enough money to go around for
    everyone. Less money in circulation was called
  3. Farmers operated year after year on losses and lived off their fat
    as best they could, but thousands of homesteads fell to mortgages and
    foreclosures, and farm tenancy rather than farm ownership was
  4. The fall of the farmers in the late 1800s was similar to the fall
    of the South and its “King Cotton” during the Civil War:
    depending solely on one crop was good in good times but disastrous
    during less prosperous times.

XII. Unhappy Farmers

  1. In the late 1880s and early 1890s, droughts, grasshopper plagues,
    and searing heat waves made the toiling farmers miserable and poor.
  2. City, state, and federal governments added to this by gouging the
    farmers, ripping them off by making them pay painful taxes when they
    could least afford to do so.
  3. The railroads (by fixing freight prices), the middlemen (by taking
    huge cuts in profits), and the various harvester, barbed wire, and
    fertilizer trusts all harassed farmers.
  4. In 1890, one half of the U.S. population still consisted of farmers, but they were hopelessly disorganized.

XIII. The Farmers Take Their Stand

  1. In the Greenback movement after the Civil War, agrarian unrest had flared forth as well.
  2. In 1867, the National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, better
    known as The Grange, was founded by Oliver H. Kelley to improve the
    lives of isolated farmers through social, educational, and fraternal
    • Eventually, it spread to claim over 800,000 members in 1875, and
      the Grange changed its goals to include the improvement of the
      collective plight of the farmer.
    • The Grangers found most success in the upper Mississippi Valley,
      and eventually, they managed to get Congress to pass a set of
      regulations known as the Granger Laws, but afterwards, their influence
  3. The Greenback Labor Party also attracted farmers, and in 1878, the
    Greenback Laborites polled over a million votes and elected 14 members
    of Congress.
    • In 1880, the Greenbackers ran General James B. Weaver, a Civil War general, but he only polled 3% of the popular vote.

XIV. Prelude to Populism

  1. The Farmers’ Alliance, founded in the late 1870s, was another
    coalition of farmers seeking to overthrow the chains from the banks and
    railroads that bound them.
    • However, its programs only aimed at those who owned their own land,
      thereby ignoring the tenant farmers, and it purposely excluded Blacks.
    • The Alliance members agreed on the (1) nationalization of
      railroads, (2) the abolition of national banks, (3) a graduated income
      tax, and (4) a new federal sub-treasury for farmers.
  2. Populists were led by Ignatius Donnelly from Minnesota and Mary
    Elizabeth Lease, both of whom spoke eloquently and attacked those that
    hurt farmers (banks, railroads, etc.).
  3. The Alliance was still not to be brushed aside, and in the coming
    decade, they would combine into a new People’s Party (AKA, the
    Populist Party) to launch a new attack on the northeastern citadels of

XV. Coxey’s Army and the Pullman Strike

  1. The Panic of 1893 fueled the passion of the Populists. Many disgruntled unemployed fled to D.C. calling for change.
    • Most famous of these people was “General” Jacob Coxey.
      “Coxey’s Army” marched on Washington with scores of
      followers and many newspaper reporters. They called for:
      • relieving unemployment by an inflationary government public works program.
      • an issuance of $500 million in legal tender notes.
    • The march fizzled out when they were arrested for walking on the grass.
  2. The Pullman Strike in Chicago, led by Eugene Debs, was more dramatic.
    • Debs helped organize the workers of the Pullman Palace Car Company.
    • The company was hit hard by the depression and cut wages by about 1/3.
    • Workers struck, sometimes violently.
    • U.S. Attorney General Richard Olney called in federal troops to
      break up the strike. His rationale: the strike was interfering with the
      transit of U.S. mail.
    • Debs went to prison for 6 months and turned into the leading Socialist in America.

XVI. Golden McKinley and Silver Bryan

  1. McKinley
    • The leading Republican candidate in 1896 was William McKinley, a
      respectable and friendly former Civil War major who had served many
      years in Congress representing his native Ohio.
    • McKinley was the making of another Ohioan, Marcus Alonzo Hanna, who
      financially and politically supported the candidate through his
      political years.
    • McKinley was a conservative in business, preferring to leaves
      things alone, and his platform was for the gold standard, even though
      he personally was not.
      • His platform also called for a gold-silver
        bimetallism—provided that all the other nations in the world did
        the same, which was not bound to happen.
  2. Bryan
    • The Democrats were in disarray and unable to come up with a
      candidate, until William Jennings Bryan, the “Boy Orator of the
      Platte,” came to their rescue.
    • At the 1896 Democratic Convention in Chicago, Bryan delivered a
      movingly passionate speech in favor of free silver. In this
      “Cross of Gold Speech” he created a sensation and won the
      nomination for the Democratic ticket the next day.
      • The Democratic ticket called for unlimited coinage of silver with
        the ratio of 16 silver ounces worth as much as one ounce of gold.
      • Democrats who would not stand for this left the party.
    • Some Democrats charged that they’d stolen the Populist ideas,
      and during the Election of 1896, it was essentially the
      “Demo-Pop” party.

XVII. Class Conflict: Plowholders Versus Bondholders

  1. McKinley won decisively, getting 271 electoral votes, mostly from
    the populous East and upper Midwest, as opposed to Bryan’s 176,
    mostly from the South and the West.
  2. This election was perhaps the most important since the elections
    involving Abraham Lincoln, for it was the first to seemingly pit the
    privileged against the underprivileged, and it resulted in a victory
    for big business and big cities.
  3. Thus, the Election of 1896 could be called the “gold vs.
    silver” election. And, put to the vote, it was clear then that
    Americans were going with gold.
  4. Also in the election, the Middle Class preserved their comfortable
    way of life while the Republicans seized control of the White House of
    16 more years.

XVIII. Republican Standpattism Enthroned

  1. When McKinley took office in 1897, he was calm and conservative, working well with his party and avoiding major confrontations.
  2. The Dingley Tariff Bill was passed to replace the Wilson-Gorman law
    and raise more revenue, raising the tariff level to whopping 46.5
Subject X2: 

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